Bring a large cast-iron griddle to medium-low heat.
Pour the cereal into a food processor fitted with the blade attachment. Pulse until the cereal is in small, coarse crumbs (roughly the texture of Japanese bread crumbs).
In a large, shallow dish, combine the cream, eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, and nutmeg. Whisk to combine. Pour the cereal crumbs into a second shallow dish.
Soak 2 slices of bread in the cream mixture for about 30 seconds on each side, shake off the excess, then land in the cereal crumbs. Coat both sides and the edges, then land on a baking sheet lined with a rack. Repeat with remaining slices bread.
Working in batches, fry the prepared bread on the griddle until golden brown and toasted, about 5 minutes per side. Reserve on a baking sheet lined with a rack. Use the butter between batches to keep the griddle greased.
Serve warm with the strawberry Jelly and powdered sugar.
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