Episode Details
Personal arguments among the clinic staff are overshadowed by a bigger disaster. Tonia refuses to attend college.
More from In the House Season 4
Browse All EpisodesEarthquake
Episode 401Personal arguments among the clinic staff are overshadowed by a bigger disaster. Tonia refuses to attend college.
Men in the Black
Episode 402When Marion dates a construction boss, the clinic's decor improves. Tonia attracts attention with her new appearance. Basketball players DEREK FISHER and KOBE BRYANT guest star.
Tito’s in the House
Episode 403Marion's friend ruins business at the clinic. Lakers coach DEL HARRIS (himself) begs Tonia to stop dating Lakers player DEREK FISHER (himself). Max searches for the perfect woman.
The Second Coming of Marion Hill
Episode 404Marion gets some new roommates--and a job modeling underwear. Max goes on a quest for the love of a woman.
Cruise – (Part 2)
Episode 406Max and Marion try to get back to their cruise ship--with discouraging results. Aboard ship, Tonia, Tiffany and Mercedes make their own discoveries.
Flirting with the Darkside
Episode 407Marion and his colleagues get into trouble playing pranks on a competitor. When Tiffany, Carl and Raynelle have too much fun, their grades suffer.
Tonia’s Big Break
Episode 408Tonia gets her first paying motivational speaking job--in a camp for delinquent girls. Marion helps his friend Tito get a job.
The Stuff That Dreams are Made Of
Episode 409Marion and the group get some of their wacky dreams analyzed when a dream interpretation clinic moves in downstairs from them. GEORGE TAKEI guest stars.
When Marion Met Natalie
Episode 410A former childhood playmate of Marion's moves in with him, creating havoc in Marion's life. Mercedes finds out that Max is not rich. Tonia dates someone unexpected.
Tiffany’s School Daze – (Part 1)
Episode 411Tiffany becomes infatuated with the wrong man. Marion sees Natalie undressed. One of Tonia's admirers threatens to sue the clinic.
Tiffany’s School Daze – (Part 2)
Episode 412Tiffany refuses to believe that her new boyfriend might be married. Marion plots to reunite Max and Mercedes.
God is in the House
Episode 413Tonia's sister must make an important decision while visiting Tonia. Marion rehearses with some children for the community Christmas show.
Say Anything
Episode 414A woman Marion dated sues him in court for lying to her. Celebrity lawyer GLORIA ALLRED guest stars.
The Tennis Story
Episode 415Baseball player GARY SHEFFIELD (himself) taunts Max. Marion denies that he's attracted to his female friend. Tiffany leads a student protest.
The Marion Rules
Episode 416Max reacts strangely to his girlfriend's marriage proposal. Marion's girlfriend wants rules for their relationship. Tiffany and Tonia get more than they expected from a volunteer job.
Working Overtime – (Part 1)
Episode 417While earning money to save the clinic from foreclosure, Marion befriends a troubled youth. Tiffany is embarrassed by her working-class boyfriend--but there's more trouble when her former love returns.
Working Overtime – (Part 2)
Episode 418Tiffany must choose between two guys. Marion gets involved with a criminal while protecting a troubled youth. Max and Mercedes bicker.
One House and a Baby
Episode 419When Tiffany's friend apparently abandons her baby, Marion discovers that he enjoys being a "parent"--but his girlfriend doesn't.
All’s Fair in Love and War
Episode 420Max's prewedding party causes trouble with Mercedes. Tiffany regrets helping her friend get a date. Marion misses his girlfriend.
Mr. Hill Goes to New York
Episode 421Marion finds his girlfriend in New York. Tiffany and her friend bicker over a boy. Max competes with his fiancée's rich ex-boyfriend.
My Pest Friend’s Wedding
Episode 422Max's wedding is in jeopardy unless Marion and his girlfriend can help.