Cluttered and Confused Kitchen Cabinets Cluttered and Confused Kitchen Cabinets

Cluttered and Confused Kitchen Cabinets

Sunday, Apr 6 8:30am ET

Episode Details

Not everyone has a full-sized kitchen pantry even if, with a family of 5 kids under 10, you might wish for one! But like many people, Laura has only cabinet storage in her kitchen and with a super busy life as a working mother the cabinets are a cluttered chaos! She has attempted to organize but has been disappointed in her own efforts and called The Order Project. This is a real kitchen cabinet 911! She dreams of being able to open a cabinet door and know where to quickly find what she needs to calm down the hectic household. Family tensions can arise, food can be wasted, and with the constant distraction of kids clamoring for snacks that no one can find, the TOP ladies quickly recognize that, as working moms themselves, this level of disorganization can lead to aggravation and discord. With their expertise and ‘mom chops’ the ladies attack the cluttered cabinets and transform their chaos to calm!

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Sunday, Apr 6 at 8:30am ET