Pantry Pandemonium Pantry Pandemonium

Pantry Pandemonium

Sunday 8:30am ET

Episode Details

Sharell is a fun, energetic wife and mother to two small children, but her energy stops dead in her pantry! Lauren, V and Tneisha took one look and christened this project pantry pandemonium! Sharell wants a space she can walk into and find exactly what she wants, but right now, on a disaster scale, this pantry is off the charts! Our turmoil terminators are challenged to purge and merge, getting rid of out-of-date products and finding room to effectively organize everything; kid snacks, wine, cookbooks and Sharell’s husband’s expanding collection of ‘wellness’ products. With tips and tricks and a lot of hard work, the ladies of The Order Project turn this hot mess into pantry heaven, showing you how you can work the same magic in your pantry no matter where you store your necessities.

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Sunday at 8:30am ET