Be Rooted: From Target Shelves to Oprah’s Favorite Things, Jasmin Foster Reflects On The Evolution And Future Of A Cultural Staple
As a stationery, Be Rooted has maintained a mission to inspire the masses through products that celebrate the culture.
Today, the company continues to enhance community lifestyles through stationery like journals and planners, puzzles, writing instruments, and now even calendars. Since its inception in 2020, Be Rooted, founded by former corporate retail strategist Jasmin Foster, has achieved many feats. From becoming the only Black-owned stationery brand to hit Target brands to being named one of Time 100’s Most Influential Companies in 2024, the brand was featured in Oprah’s Favorite Things.
“It’s such a coveted list that people wait for their whole entrepreneurial journey to be able to be on, and some don’t ever make it there, so to be honored by such an established person who looks at thousands of brands a year and select Be Rooted is amazing,” said Foster of this year’s achievement.
With the holiday season underway, Foster also spoke to the time of the year when everyone is caught up in the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping and heavy reflection mode, which she admits Be Rooted journals are perfect for. Yet, she reminds us that everyone’s approach to journaling is not the same, and that’s okay.
“I think the holidays are also a time where people start to reflect on what they want to do in the new year,” she said. “Our journals and planners are key components for people to take time to pause and reflect on the things that they loved from this past year and also start to think about what are the things that they want to do for the following year, as well as taking time to be intentionally grateful for all that they had to come to pass this year.”
She added, “The biggest thing is not to get caught up in feeling like you have to do it every day. Write when it makes sense for you, and if you skip a day, don’t put a ton of pressure on yourself. The three prompts I always tell people to start with are the ones that we use in our gratitude journal: 1. Today I’m grateful for… 2. My favorite part of the day was… and 3. Tomorrow, I’m looking forward to…”
Moreover, Foster says that Be Rooted doesn’t consider the holiday season a reason to give back to the community. Earlier this year, shortly after the back-to-school season, the company donated more than 2,000 journals to Title One schools in Atlanta and the Minneapolis-Saint Paul area.
Foster is the founder of a constantly evolving brand that has appeared on shelves in major retailers like Target, CVS, Walmart, and more. Despite the rapid transitions and demand for products, Foster maintains a culture of balance and well-being by providing flexibility for her team. She always keeps in mind that despite their love and passion for supporting the company, they also have lives and sometimes even families to care for.
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“It can oftentimes be hard to make sure that you’re prioritizing time, but one thing that I’m looking to do in the new year is I’m turning one of my spare bedrooms into a craft room where I can focus on creating,” said Foster of how she aims to keep her sanity in check. “I’ve always wanted to take up painting and ceramics, so in 2025, I’m going to dedicate space in my house to do that in a way that I can just turn on music, no stress, no intent to sell or show anyone, but tap into a space just for me.”
As she prepares for the new year, Foster also took a second to reflect on the lessons of 2024, noting what she will carry with her in 2025.
“I don’t think there’s just one lesson that I’ve learned specifically this year, but I think the consistent message in this entrepreneurial journey that I’m on is that you have just to continue to put your head down and do the work,” she concluded. “Even when there’s moment that you don’t know that people are watching you, they are. This year, we had a holiday special on BET, my first live speaking segment on Bloomberg, and being recognized by Oprah’s Favorite Things. Those were all things that weren’t even on the vision board for the year, but things that came to fruition because we keep our head down every day, doing the work, and when you do that, the right people notice.”
“I’m really turning Be Rooted into a full household brand that anyone in the family can join,” Foster added. “We’re currently working on a kid’s collection that will bring all the Be Rooted joy to the entire family.”
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