Hot Mess Express Hot Mess Express

Hot Mess Express

Wednesday, Sep 25 7:00am ET

Episode Details

The Order Project’s team of turmoil terminators get a call for a pantry that is a hot mess, stuffed to the rafters to serve a working mom, 11- and 2-year-olds and a busy dad who fancies himself a chip connoisseur! And SURPRISE: it turns out that the clients are Lauren’s sister and brother-in-law who have been after The Order Project for a ‘family favor’ for ages….but could not wait any longer and sent an email request signed only “hot mess express”! Lauren’s sister-in-law wants peace in the family and order to meal times but also aspires to a pantry that is visually pleasing. She wants an oasis of calm rather than the pantry that is currently driving her nuts and she was willing to stoop to subterfuge to get it!

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Wednesday, Sep 25 at 7:00am ET